- #Android support v7 appcompat jar download android
- #Android support v7 appcompat jar download download
but I simply deleted the copy of the jar file from my project's libs folder so that it would use the appcompat_v7 jar file instead. Path: C:\Users\jbaurer\workspace\HeadphoneSplitter\libs\android-support-v4.jar Path: C:\Users\jbaurer\workspace\appcompat_v7\libs\android-support-v4.jar All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time. but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time). I had the same issue every time I tried to create a new project, but based on the console output, it was because of two versions of android-support-v4 that were different: Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list, Successfully added in appCompat but still I am still getting the error. In the section library "Add" and choose "appCompat" File->Import (android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7).
#Android support v7 appcompat jar download android
I searched in Google and installed Android Support Library then added v7 in my project.

I get the error The Import 7 cannot be resolved My project runs successfully, but when I import 7.app.ActionBarActivity and import 7.app.ActionBar the project won't debug. Also, I have updated everything in the Android SDK manager. Currently, I have the adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030.zip (Windows 32 bit) installed - and have successfully installed the Android SDK and Eclipse.
#Android support v7 appcompat jar download download
Import 7.app.actionbaractivity in androidx import 7 android studio android-support-v7-appcompat.jar download import 7.app.appcompatactivity unused import statement android support v7 app notificationcompat cannot be resolved import android view view cannot be resolved import android support v7 widget linearlayoutmanager cannot resolve android studio error: cannot find symbol class actionbaractivity